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Frequently Asked Questions

It's our pleasure to answer questions from the community on this page. To submit your own questions, please contact us via email or the contact form below. Questions will be updated periodically. 

Will the project conform with the Routt County Comprehensive Plan and recent event code update?

Yes.  We reviewed the comprehensive plan and the Stagecoach Community Plan before developing the project plan.  We also reviewed the recent code update which is expected to be amended in August 2024.

How can you be sure that the golf course will not negatively impact the reservoir? 

We operate golf courses around the world. In our experience, professionally designed and managed golf courses have had no negative environmental impacts. All of our golf courses utilize advanced technologies to protect the environment – some such systems include integrated turf health management programs, fertilizer limits, biofiltration, localized weather stations and other measures. You can learn more about our sustainability programs here. We're also pleased to share two long-term studies which offer insights as a result of independent monitoring: 

Will the workforce housing units be used only for Discovery Land Company team members? 

No. There will be additional units for the greater Stagecoach/Oak Creek community. 

Will Stagecoach Mountain Ranch (SMR) homeowner amenities be open to the public? 

No. The amenities will be available for use solely by SMR homeowners, as is common practice with HOAs. 

How many employees will be at SMR?

At build-out, we are projecting 600 full-time equivalent positions. We expect about 300 full-time employees and 600 part-time employees by that time. We hope that many locals will join our team. 

How will this impact my property value and my property taxes?

Properties are assessed by using comparable properties. In Colorado the duty of the Assessor is to discover, list, classify, and value all taxable property in the County according to Colorado statutes so that property taxes are distributed equitably in accordance with the actual value of property each taxpayers owns. Residential property is valued using only the market approach to value. In this approach, the value of the subject property is based on an analysis of comparable sales. The Routt County Assessor will use like-kind properties to determine property value.


In the SMR case, like-kind are only those homes located within the Stagecoach Mountain Ranch property, as a substantial value of the home is tied to the right to use the amenities on the SMR property. In the opinion of the assessor, SMR will not affect property values in the rest of the county.  Many Routt County residents have experienced an increase in property values over the last two years based on the market for the types of homes currently in the county. To learn more about property taxes in Routt County, please visit their website here

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